What ISO 14001 lead Auditor Training
ISO 14001:2004 Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.
Being a RABQSA accredited Lead Auditor Training provider, OSS has designed and Developed the ISO 14001 / EMS Lead Auditor Training course considering the RABQSA competency Requirements (EM,AU and TL).ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training course offered by OSS is certified by RABQSA and recognized by IRCA.
ISO 14001 / EMS Lead Auditor Training course has been designed considering the process approach methodology (P-D-C-A) model the ensure the enhancement of competency of participants during the each stage ISO 14001/EMS Lead Auditor Training course and to meet the RABQSA competency requirements. During the course of Training the competency of participants shall be accessed through works shops, Role play, Group discussion and Home Exercise, at each stage of ISO 14001 / EMS Lead Auditor Training. To ensure the enhancement competency of participants through ISO 14001 / EMS Lead Auditor Training program and the skill of participants have been enhanced during the course of ISO 14001 / EMS Lead Auditor Training course.
The main objectives of the training is to train potential auditors in the principles and practices of assessment of Environment Management systems (ISO 14001 / EMS) for conformance with ISO 14001:2004, to make them aware of good current practices, and to encourage constructive development of audit skills thought analysis and self-criticism.
- Those who require a detailed knowledge of ISO 14001 / EMS and its auditing process.
- Those who are involved in ISO 14001 / EMS assessment of suppliers and potential suppliers. Such as Management representatives, Environmental Managers, Engineers, and Consultants.
- Person Responsible for EMS internal audit function within the organization Top Management their organization seeking for ISO 14001 certification. Person who want to become an EMS Auditor / Lead Auditor.
- An Overview of Environment Management System / ISO 14001 : What is Environment, Environmental Aspects and its Impact, Legal and either applicable requirements, An overview of the ISO 14001 standard.
- The Requirements of ISO 14001, Environment Auditing: What is an ISO 14001 / EMS Audit and why are ISO 14001 / EMS Audits necessary, ISO 14001 / EMS Auditing in relation to the - Process approach, ISO 19011 and auditor competence.
- ISO 14001 / EMS Audit Tools and Techniques: Detailed Planning and Check List development ,Searching for Evidence, Conducting Interview and Asking Questions ,Auditor and Auditee Tactics Recording the Results.
- Interpret correctly the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 and how they apply to the processes of an organization.
- Conduct an effective Gap Analysis / Internal Audit / Supplier Audit / Third Party Certification Audit
- Initiate Improvements in the Environment Management System effectiveness
There are two methods of participants competency Evaluation Methods
- Continuous Assessments - Participants competency shall be evaluated on daily basis through workshops, role play, Group Discussion, Home exercise, Class Room participation, Response, Contribution in Training, Punctuality, attendance etc. The qualifying Marks is 60%.
- Final Examination - It will be conducted at Last Day of Training and qualifying Marks is 70%
5 days
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